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Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

My Beautiful Dream

Hello Ms Kunti my names is andes candra. Now i want to tell you about my future. After i graduated from gunadarma university i want to be al millionaire. how? first i will ask a job in PT Aero System Indonesia. I want to be an IT support in  PT Aero System Indonesia. Why it support? because i like computer networking. computer networking is very  challenging. in computer networking we can see all sorts of problemsa and we must find solutions to these problems. 

And the second step I 'll build some business technology to reach my future goals. I will build a company. This is all about informatics engineering. i will build a software development, IT school, Network development and some bisnis like computer store. In these company i will have a lot of employees. i will make these company to change the world. and finaly i will be a  young millionaire. And to complete my beautiful life  i will marry a smart and beautiful girl like you. like Ms kunti nugrahesty my english lecturer  when i studied in gunadarma university. 
thanks ms kunti, that's  all about my future. How about your future? Do you have a beautiful dream? or you like to create beautiful dream together?

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